The dependency of the Egyptian elites on new websites: A case study on the transitional period between February 2011 and June 2012

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of media at the Faculty of Specific Education – Benha University


The Internet has a crucial role in providing information during the time of crisis. Its interactive nature attracts the elites, known for their high intellectual abilities and prominence at a specific field. Therefore, news organisations established news websites to take advantage from internet unique features, leading news websites to become a strong competitor to print media. This study is a quantitative descriptive study, in which the researcher uses survey and case study methods to focus on specific events that occurred in Egypt during the transitional period between February 2011 and June 2012. The researcher distributed a questionnaire on a sample of 200 respondents from academic and political elites in Egypt. The study showed that the elite rely on news websites due to the immediacy of coverage and their high level of credibility. News websites were the most valued source of news compared to Egyptian state television that was the least valued one. 
