College students attitudes towards national projects news reporting by satellite channels and newspapers websites.

Document Type : Original Article


Media and children culture department – Faculty of Childhood High Studies


Audience trust in media content is an arguable topic. There are many factors could be responsible for variations of credibility levels perceived by the audience such as natural tendency to feel comfort and keep away from pain. This is the focal premise of mood management theory that claims that personal desire, viewership styles, and exposure to media content are three dominant variables that control the state of pleasure that individuals prefer to feel. Furthermore, the audience rejects or accepts certain content according to the expected feeling that outcomes from consumption. This paper tests the hedonic valence of media messages that impacts the selective exposure to certain content. In addition, it investigates the potential influences of media content about national projects in formulating negative or positive attitudes that may coincide with or differ from the prevailing mood in the society. The main question that this study aims to answer is what colleges students’ attitudes are towards national projects based on news reporting presented by TV satellite channels.
