The impact of the media image of the policemen in social media websites on their professional and societal performance

Document Type : Original Article


Radio and Television Department – Faculty of Mass Communication – Cairo University


Since the revolution of the 25th of  January 2011, social networking sites have been abundant with many drawings, photos, videos, comments, news texts, articles, and other forms of expression of police officers’ positions regarding the various events taking place in Egypt, and their practices within the framework of each of them.
The risk increases when many of these film materials are subjected to Photoshop programs and techniques that allow placing some additions to the image, deleting some of its parts, tampering with the color balance in the image, blurring some elements in the image, changing its context, or practicing any kind of deception on the recipient of it, and there is no doubt.
The study seeks to find answers for the following question: Do media images of the policeman - presented on social media - have an impact on his professional performance and his community life, as well as on his view of himself and his professional abilities, especially if these media images are negative?
Depending on the police officers themselves the study tries to determine to what extent what is written and published (negatively) about them on social media sites affects their professional performance and their community life, especially in light of the frequency and circulation of these images among users on websites, as well as in light of the characteristics of availability, interactivity and multiple other factors.
