Media monitoring of the performance of traditional and new media:

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Information, Cairo University


The interest in media monitoring has extended to international organizations since the first decade of the third millennium, when UNESCO launched its international program on media development in 2008. This program included new mechanisms for standardized media monitoring of media contents related to media freedom in different countries, especially developing countries and emerging or nascent democracies. The mentioned program has contributed to the development of many quantitative and qualitative mechanisms for regular and objective monitoring of media contents, especially political; cultural; and economic contents.
     The application of standard mechanisms for media monitoring appears to be extremely important in the Egyptian cultural context, especially after the 25th January 2011 revolution. Which witnessed a remarkable departure from many governmental and private media outlets from professional practices, and the tendency to inflame political divisions in society, break with established customs and traditions, and uphold narrow personal interests. In addition to ambiguity and indifference regarding adherence to a professional code of honor that controls the performance of these means during that stage. The critical Egyptian society is going through.
In the current study, the researcher seeks to conduct an evaluation of media monitoring in terms of concept; objectives; fields; methods and tools, examining international and regional experiences, and development prospects.
