Factors influencing the formation of the behavior of combating rumors related to Egyptian national security issues on social media

Document Type : Original Article


Media Department, Faculty of Arts - Menoufia University


             The research problem of this study focused on the nature and strength of the factors affecting the formation of anti-rumor behavior related to Egyptian national security issues (Comprehensive Operation Sinai 2018) among users of social media, by determining the effect of the trend towards anti-rumor behavior. And the awareness of the reference groups' acceptance of anti-rumor behavior (Self-standards) / awareness of the ability to control anti-rumors behavior / awareness of the negative effects of rumors / feeling of responsibility for the negative effects that may result from not acting in a supportive way to society in the face of rumors / and a feeling of moral commitment to combat rumors (personal standards) on the intent of the respondents In adopting anti-rumors behavior (publishing official source data and documented information / verifying the validity of information before sharing it / publishing a falsification of misleading information supported by pictures and links / ignoring the information whose reliability is questionable ...), and their actual conduct of this behavior on social media, as well as determining the impact of some background factors (demographic variables and concern for the issue) on the respondents' adoption of this behavior. This is in the context of the study’s endeavor to build a model that helps predict the formation of anti-rumor behavior among social media users during periods of crisis and major issues related to society.
