Qatar 2017 crisis in the Arab press discourse

Document Type : Original Article


ournalism Department at the Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


         Since the end of 2010, the Arab region has witnessed huge transformations, and an unprecedented political movement, which resulted in successive political changes that included and still are all Arab countries. The most prominent of the Qatar crisis with the Arab Quartet (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain), as those countries announced their boycott of Qatar on 5th June 2017 and cut off Its diplomatic and consular relations with Qatar, and the closure of all its land and sea ports and airspace that connects it with Doha. Just as other countries summoned their ambassadors from the Qatari capital for consultations.
In the midst of these crises and conflicts, the role of the media emerges as a product and a reflection of the history of societies and their conditions through which they operate, as they reflect and express the national interest as defined by the dominant institutions in the state. Moreover, the media systems in the Middle East region are subject to governmental control and seek to implement the policies and objectives of national governments, which requires the necessity to control the content of the media and direct it in a way that serves the interests of the ruling elite.
 In light of that comes this study that tries to uncover how the Egyptian and Qatari journalists presented the Qatar crisis, as they represent the two sides of the crisis, through the perceptions provided by each of them about the crisis in support of the official position of their governments to support Anna in confronting the other.
