The impact of the aura surrounding the brand on the adoption of a new product by consumers

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Media, Beni Suef University


The expansion of Telecom Egypt’s services it provides in the field of communications and the Internet has led to the expansion of its audience, which has created a broad base of consumers with a variety of segments.
With the company entering the field of mobile networks to launch the fourth mobile network and competing with three previous networks, will the public’s assessments of this network be affected by their general prior assessments and judgments about the brand
        Hence, the problem of the study is determined in an attempt to identify the aura surrounding the trademark of Telecom Egypt and the public's prior judgments about it. Will the lack of information about the trademark in one area lead to the generalization of these judgments?, And how will the audience accept the idea of ​​the fourth mobile network, and will they evaluate it in the same way as they evaluate the brand? That is, will the aura surrounding the trademark affect the acceptance or rejection of the new product by the public?. This has done through measuring the purchasing intent of the public and the degree of their adoption of the new product, and measuring the extent of the public's biases about the new product due to the aura surrounding the brand.
