Models and theoretical frameworks for new media research

Document Type : Original Article


College of Media and Mass Communication - University of Modern Sciences, Dubai


                  Recent years have witnessed a rapid development in the field of modern communication technology. This era has become known as the era of information and digital technology, and that development extended to the field of media and left a clear influence on it, as many terms appeared on the media scene, such as new media; alternative media; digital media; electronic journalism. News groups, website, and social media sites. This created increasing pressures on media studies and research in the years to keep pace with that technological development and these concepts became common concepts in many media studies, which sought to answer many questions about how the public deals with these modern technologies, and to study the different effects of that new means on the community and the public. In light of the challenges facing media research and studies to keep pace with the technological development, the number of studies and research that explain the public’s relationship with the new media and the identification of its various effects has increased significantly. Research for the current study is as follows: Monitoring and analyzing the intellectual approaches and theoretical frameworks that have been addressed in the studies and research of the new media.
The importance of the study stems from the fact that it is concerned with recent trends in media studies, namely the study of the relationship between new media and their effects. As well as  it also provides researchers with the opportunity to identify the different theoretical frameworks that were used in new media research, thus facilitating the process of choosing the intellectual approach or theoretical framework for future research In the field of new media, and knowing how to use these theoretical frameworks to serve this research. Also, the current study focused on theoretical frameworks only, that is, it represents a reliable source for choosing theoretical approaches to new media research.
