The Role of Artificial Intelligence In Supporting &Improving Higher Educational Quality. Field Study on Students &faculty Members at faculty of Media &Mass Communication

Document Type : Original Article


 Instructor of Public Relations & Advertising at faculty of Media &Mass Communication – 6th of October university.


This research aims to know how students benefit from artificial intelligence applications which help them in educational objectives such as doing different assignments through  online databases.
1)perceived utility about these applications.
2)internal factors which encourage them to use applications.
3)external factors which affect them to use these applications.

58% of students prefer self education.
benefits of these applications:

1 presenting summaries of different courses online.
2 caculating grades electronically.
3 presenting shcudules  to all students.
4 asking questions easily.

some factors affecting students:

1 to reach unique ideas for doing scientific research through different database.
2 virtuall online workshops.
3 gaining alarge amount of knowledge.
4 analysing students levels.
5 there is relationship between internal factors according to students &perceived utility from using artificial intelligence applications.
6 there is relationship between attitudes towards using artificial intelligence applications &the desire to use them.
7 there is relationship between external factors according to university &perceived utility fromm using artificial intelligence applications.
8 there is relationship between the desire to use applications&actual use.
