Framing Egyptian political issues in the international news channels websites in the Arabic version A comparative analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Information, Beni Suef University

2 Pre-Master’s students - News Journalism Program - Faculty of Information, Beni Suef University


The study aimed to identify the frameworks for news treatment of Egyptian political issues through the websites of international news channels directed in the Arabic language, from January 1 to March 31 of 2023, by identifying the orientations of those channels towards Egypt, in addition to revealing the nature of the news treatment of websites. The study is considered one of the descriptive and analytical studies based on the analytical descriptive analytical approach, which includes the news content of Egyptian political issues through the websites of international news channels directed in Arabic, which are: "France 24- BBC- CNN- DW - CGTN-RT". The findings show that there are many diverse political news about Egypt, and the focus of most of the channels was on news related to Egypt's diplomatic relations with other countries, the most prominent of which were the relations between Egypt and Turkey, the Renaissance Dam crisis, and the Sudan crisis, and the frameworks used varied to serve each channel and were one of the most important frameworks used is the conflict framework and the strategic framework.
