Media students' attitudes The role of practical training on artificial intelligence techniques and its impact on qualifying them for the work environment

Document Type : Original Article


master’s degree in the Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University


The study sought to monitor media students' attitudes towards the role of practical training on artificial intelligence techniques and its impact on qualifying them for the work environment.

The study sample emphasizes the importance of practical training to qualify for the labor market from the point of view of students of mass media faculties; They mentioned “very important” with a percentage of (73.5%), then “somewhat important” with a percentage of (24%), and finally “not important at all” with a percentage of (2.5%).
There is a statistically significant correlation between media students' knowledge of artificial intelligence techniques and their awareness of the benefit achieved from it in media work.
There is a statistically significant correlation between the attitude of media students in Egyptian universities towards the use of artificial intelligence in media work and their awareness of the importance of training in its use.
There is a statistically significant correlation between media students' assessment of the efficiency of using artificial intelligence techniques in media work and their attitudes towards its application in media work.
