The use of artificial intelligence by service organizations and its relationship to customer satisfaction with the service provided to them

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Public Relations and Advertising at the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - Suez University


The importance of this research comes in that it seeks to reveal the use of artificial intelligence technology by service organizations and its relationship to customer satisfaction with the service provided to them. It is descriptive and depends on Case Study method. The study also relied on the application of an electronic web questionnaire on a sample of (400 items) of customers with Telecom Egypt, and in-depth interviews with a number of WE officials, as well as a qualitative analysis of the application (MY WE). ) with the aim of interpreting and deepening the results qualitatively to obtain the results of the study, using the diffusion of innovation theory and the study concluded:
1-The degree of knowledge of the respondents, the study sample, of various artificial intelligence applications, foremost of which was Face Recognition technology, with a rate of 70.8%, while the Chat GPT-4 application came in the second place with a rate of 69.2%, and in the third place was the Deep Fake technology, with a rate of 68.6%. Go beyond that for their knowledge of technologies such as Big Data, Google's Bard application, and many other technologies and applications.
2-The importance of employing artificial intelligence techniques in service organizations from the point of view of the study sample respondents, where most of the study sample indicated that they see it as very important with a degree of agreement of 91%. It was determined that it is somewhat important by 47.3%, then it is very important by 44.4% While 8.3% of the study sample see the lack of importance of its application within service organizations, this small percentage that considers its insignificance can be attributed to their extreme fear of dealing with new technology and their constant eagerness to deal with the human element and their fear of accessing their personal data due to the use of artificial intelligence.
3-The attitude of the study sample respondents regarding the degree of their satisfaction with the services provided to them using artificial intelligence applications. Where 90.1% indicated their feeling of complete satisfaction with the company because of its treatment of employees with appreciation and respect. then in the second place the respondents explained their satisfaction because the company provides continuous notice to customers about New services and how to benefit from them, with a percentage of 89.1%.


