The semiotics of protecting integrity and combating corruption in the Saudi electronic daily newspapers:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Media, College of Social Sciences, Umm Al-Qura University


The current study aims to monitor the extent to which press institutions in Egypt rely on artificial intelligence tools during the Corona pandemic. In addition to shedding light on the difference occurred in newsrooms during this crisis. As well as monitoring the most important obstacles leading to disadvantages of these tools, and introducing a future vision of press institutions advantages resulting from the usage of artificial intelligence tools, via a sample of journalist’s viewpoints belonging to different press institutions. The conclusion of the study is as follows:
During the Corona pandemic, artificial intelligence tools were used in journalistic institutions to a very limited extent, on an individual basis by some trained journalists on these tools. The differences that occurred in the newsrooms, whether in governmental or private institutions, were limited to the administrative aspects used to organize the daily work. There is a confusion for many journalists between digital media tools and artificial intelligence tools. There is no fear, or undesired by journalists, whether in governmental or independent institutions, for adopting artificial intelligence tools, The obstacles that prevent Egyptian press institutions from getting advantages of the use of artificial intelligence tools are represented in administrative aspects, followed by the economic aspects, then the technical and legislative aspects, and finally the qualification of the human element. Most of the participants presented a somewhat pessimistic vision regarding the adoption of artificial intelligence tools by press institutions in the future.
