Promote mass media for environmental awareness of the importance of management of hazardous household waste

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Environment at the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research - Alexandria University

2 Assistant Professor of Broadcasting, Faculty of Mass Communication, Arab Academy for Science and Technology

3 Senior presenter of programs on Radio Alexandria - the National Media Authority


The problem of household waste management is increasing in Egypt, which has a significant impact on aspects of daily life. This research handles the Environmental awareness assessment of Household Hazardous Waste Management (HHW) in Alexandria. The purpose of this research is to explore the people understanding and perception about household hazardous waste disposed. Assess the level of knowledge, of householders towards household hazardous waste before and after watching awareness programs. Evaluate the degree of dependance of householders on the media is preferred, convinced and in which ways it influences their practices. And the role played by media to create household hazardous waste management awareness in Alex. Media has the powers to control and change the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of audience through direct appeals toward a specific issue via information that circulate daily among the public. Three research tools were used to obtain data. Interviews, questionnaire, content analysis of Facebook pages. A questionnaire was distributed among households and there were 308 householders, data was analyzed to figure out different indicators. Evaluating the impact of the awareness programs on family knowledge and practices regarding household hazardous waste management. The results of the research indicate that most homes in the Alexandria contain and produce hazardous substances that have the potential for posing risk to life, health, property, and the environment, if improperly consumed, stored, or disposed. This research indicates that the level of householders' awareness of hazardous substances is generally low (37%). The results led to several recommendations, there is an urgent need for an integrated management system for the management of household hazardous waste that will help to strengthen and develop health and environmental services including the availability of a new approach to the safe storage, collection, separation, transport, treatment, and disposal of waste. Also activated the extended producer responsibility as in law of 202 for 2020. Segregation of HHW should be performed at the house where it is being produced to minimize the cost of segregation at transfer station. Efforts should be joined together to provide financial funding to raise citizens' awareness of household hazardous waste, find alternatives solutions by the government, integrated household hazardous waste management must be implemented. The study also recommends ongoing information enlightenment campaigns in all media, and alternative environmentally friendly products must be proposed instead of hazardous products in media campaigns.
