Celebrities' self-management through social networking sites and its relationship to the Egyptian audience self-esteem

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.


This study has aimed to examine the Egyptian audience's extensive use of celebrities' pages on social networking sites, identify the relationship between this extensive use and the level of audience self-esteem, in addition to investigate the effect of the audience's motives to use the celebrity pages on social networking sites. Also, the study has aimed to identify the level of the audience attention during this use, their interaction level, their awareness level of the celebrities' self-management mechanisms on their pages, and the smirking signals on these pages, as well as the effect of their demographic variables on this relationship.
This is a descriptive research; it has used the survey method, both descriptive and analytical. The content analysis tool has been used applying to 142 posts on the Facebook pages of the actor Mohamed Ramadan, the actor Mohamed Henedy, and the football player Mohamed Salah during the period from 1/3/2022 to 30/3/2022. Also, the questionnaire tool has been used applying to 400 users of these pages.
The results of the study have assured that most of the celebrities' posts on their pages haven't used the self-management mechanisms. The results have added that there has been a weak inverse statistical relationship between the intensity of the Egyptian audience’s use of celebrities' pages on social networking sites and their self-esteem level, and this relationship has been supported by many variables including the audience functional motives to use these pages, their interaction level during this use, and their awareness level about the self-management mechanisms used by the celebrities on their pages.
