Newspapers and electronic portals' treatment for the House of Representatives elections 2020 and public opinion's attitudes towards it

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Kafr El-Sheikh University.


This study aimed to achieve a general goal; It is exploring the frames for dealing with newspapers and electronic portals for the Parliament elections 2020, which explain and explain the events and reveal the motives for the follow-up of the study sample members (Egyptian public opinion) to the Parliament elections in newspapers and electronic portals, and knowing the trends of public opinion about the explanatory frames dealing with the Parliament elections 2020 in newspapers and electronic portals.
The study used the survey method to analyze the content of the topics that dealt with the parliament elections 2020, and used the comparative approach to find out the differences between the frames of news coverage of the parliament elections 2020 in newspapers and electronic portals. Cairo - Eastern - Sohag)
The study reached the most important results: “Hosting experts and specialists who interpret and analyze the electoral scene” came with a relative weight of 81.0, and this can be explained in light of the keenness of newspapers and electronic portals to attract experts and analysts interested in political affairs who are known for their competence to provide explanations about the state’s orientation regarding the integration of parties In alliances to diversify the political decision to deepen democracy to reach a rational political decision that expresses the visions and tendencies of all parties regardless of their political and ideological affiliations, to advance the public interest.
The results of the study also concluded that “my participation makes change” came to the fore. The reasons for participating in the elections with a relative weight of 8.3%, the opinion realized that participation in voting on the list system does not choose a candidate, but rather chooses a list that includes a group of candidates with different political orientations, agreeing to give priority to the interest. public and the promotion of public affairs
