The discourse of memes and comics presented on Facebook about the crisis of Corona Virus (Covid-19) and their relations to the audience attitudes about the crisis

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


This study employed semiological analysis and richness theory to monitor, analyze and interpret The discourse of memes and comics presented on Facebook about the crisis of Corona Virus (Covid-19) and their relations to the audience attitudes about the crisis. The stude used Content analysis, actor analysis, semiological analysis and questionnaire tools.These were applied on memes and comics published from April 1, 2020 to July 30, 2021, on this facebook pages: Asahby, Corona Sarcam, Corona Virus. and applied to (586) followers of memes and comics
found that: there were (4) active players in memes and comics during corona virus crisis; They are in order: Citizen, Covid, Officials, Foreigns. An icon was created for each character through themes (main idea) and semiotic functions. It is clear by comparing the results of the analytical and field study that: There is a relation between the discourse of and the audience attitudes towards the crisis and its active players.
As it turns out that both the audience and the memes/comics think that globally The virus is very dangerous. But especially in Egypt, it is helpless, miserable, less important than the cold flu from the fan. This is due not to the seriousness of the virus itself, but to the nature of the Egyptian personality, whether the citizen or the official, Which relied on ignoring and unprudence as a method to confront the crisis. It was translated into several sarcastic themes, most notably " care about the virus; it infects you. ignor it; it leave you."
