Levels of trust in health websites that young people are exposed to and its relationship to their electronic media:

Document Type : Original Article


* Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Education, Mansoura University


At a time when many people use satellite channels and the Internet to obtain health information, it is necessary to question the credibility of that information, and to verify the possibility of the emergence of “electronic obsessive” behaviors (electronic obsessiveness) due to the continuous use of these channels, as well as Internet sites, which in turn may have a negative impact on electronic health.
The current study was conducted on a sample of young people whose ages ranged from (18: 35) because it is the most group that uses the Internet and watches satellite channels, as well as having knowledge and activity in obtaining health information on the Internet, and The theory-based descriptive approach was used to study the main factors that help in the behavior of electronic hypochondria, and the researcher used in his research tools the seven-point Likert scale to measure the behavior of electronic hypochondria and obsessive-compulsive disorder and the use of the "Whitley" scale developed by "Bialosky" to measure the efficiency of content, and the expected benefit of health information, perceptions of system effectiveness and expected ease of use of health websites.
The results, through a one-way analysis of variance, indicated that trust in health information with continuous use of health care websites as a variable leads to seven types of electronic hypochondriac behaviors          
