Addressing the Egyptian and Arab newspapers' websites for the Corona crisis Analytical s

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication - Al-Nahda University


The study aimed to identify how the Egyptian and Arab newspapers 'websites dealt with the Corona crisis, by monitoring the extent of the study newspapers' interest in addressing the crisis, and the degree of public interaction with topics related to this crisis through the websites of the newspapers under study, by analyzing and interpreting the various interactive means available to the public through these Sites, and this study belongs to descriptive studies, and within its framework the researcher used the media survey method, and used the Content Analysis newspaper as a tool to collect the required data. From the first of March 2020 until the end of August 2020, which is the period corresponding to the first wave of the Corona virus, and the study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: The press news came at the forefront of the editorial arts used to address the Corona crisis in the study newspapers, text came only in the first order of forms The presentation of the materials used in dealing with the Corona crisis in the study newspapers, and about the most important effects accompanying the introductions of the topics, it did not stand out from the text in the first order. aim of presenting the topics to prove that the awareness of the masses is in the first order, and the most important logical methods of persuasion came to highlight the statements of the officials, while the emotional methods came at the forefront of repetition.
