Challenges of social responsibility programs for local and international companies:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Media and Communication Technology, Misr University for Science and Technology


The study aims to identify the impact of the various challenges and obstacles facing organizations ’application of their social responsibility programs on the quality of implementation of these initiatives and programs, on the organization’s relations with its workers, as well as its relations with its external audiences.
The study relied on a "comparative approach" to highlight these variables in both local and international companies operating in the fields of social responsibility, and to show the points of convergence and difference between them.
The researcher depended on the method of qualitative analysis of the contents of the answers of those responsible for the sectors of social responsibility of local and international companies, "the study sample" through in-depth interviews conducted by the researcher The researcher conducted 12 in-depth interviews with 12 respondents. Who is responsible for the social responsibility sector of local and international organizations "study sample"; By using 6 respondents representing the type of local companies, and 6 respondents representing the type of international companies, using an in-depth interview guide with the respondents.
The most common challenges faced by the "study sample" companies were represented in five obstacles, namely: (Organizations adopting social responsibility programs as a means of false propaganda and then prioritizing the self-interest of the company and its employees at the expense of the general interest of society, the non-sustainability of the organization's social responsibility projects, the inadequacy of the infrastructure in Egypt to accommodate some social responsibility and sustainable development programs, the weak culture of social responsibility of the citizens and his lack of acceptance or awareness of the nature and importance of the development project to be implemented, Most of the representatives of the media outlets get a fee in order to agree to the news coverage of the activities of the corporate social responsibility programs).