Media Coverage of the Phenomenon of Children Abduction through Social Networking Sites and their relationship to Social Fear and the Future Concern of the Egyptian public:

Document Type : Original Article


Associated Professor, Mass Communication Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Menoufiya University


The aim of the research is to identify the relationship between the spread of child abduction through social media sites, the level of social fear, and the future concern of the public by revealing the extent of the phenomenon of child abduction through social media sites.
The study is classified as descriptive studies. The researcher used questionnaire on a sample of 400 in Menoufia and Cairo governate and the content analysis on a sample of Specialized Facebook pages that cover abduction of children.
The study found that as respondents depends more on social media sites to get information, the more they get exposed to children abduction incidents, and the more the social media sites are rich in providing detailed information about children abduction cases, the more the respondents get exposed to the content on social media sites.
Finally, the more the respondents trust in the credibility and objectivity of the social media sites as a source of information, the more the respondents are exposed to the content.
