Effectiveness of Training Programs to develop Primary School Students Awareness of Child Right using School Media Activities:

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Radio and T.V. Educational Media Department, Faculty of Specific Education.

2 Assistant Professor, Journalism Educational Media Department, Faculty of Specific Education.


School media activities are extremely important as they create awareness about child rights, and they contribute to spreading the culture of children rights.
 This study seeks to answer the following question: what is the effectiveness of conducting a training program that focus on creating and developing awareness about child rights among primary school students using school media activities?
 This study uses quasi experimental design to introduce these rights and explain it in the simple way using school radio and press to two experimental groups of students.
The main results show that pre conducting the experiment there are no significant difference between the two groups of students (Controlled and Experimental) while after conducting the experiment there are significant difference between the two groups regarding their awareness about child right especially the rights related to the protection against physical abuse, the right for education, health, and communication. Furthermore, there are no significant difference post-conducting the experiment between male and females regarding their awareness of child rights.
