Digital Marketing Methods for Egyptian Publishing House: An Analytical Study

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Media and Communication Science Department, Faculty of Arts, Ein Shams University


Digital Marketing, with its different Strategies and mechanisms, has become one of the most prominent marketing tools for different type of organizations. Digital marketing allow access and reach to different segment of the target audience through various and interactive means which make it easy to connect with customers and measure their feedback and responses to the marketing messages.
This study seeks to identify the digital marketing tools and methods used by five Egyptian publishing houses through its official websites and social media account on Facebook during the first three month of 2018 including the Cairo international book fair.
 This study uses quantitative and qualitative content analysis to the websites and the Facebook pages of five Egyptian publishing houses.
The results show that in general not every Egyptian publishing houses has its own official websites, and some publishing houses depends only on their social media accounts.
The results revealed that the studied Egyptian publishing houses do not focus on publishing information about events; except Nahdet Masr Publishing house which publish information about Cairo international book fair. The Facebook pages of the Egyptian publishing houses focus on text in the first place, then photos, also they concentrate on using and activating Hashtags.
