Daily National and Private Newspapers Credibility considering the events occurred in Egypt post Jan.25th Revolution:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Mass Communication Department Faculty of Arts, Sohag University


This study focusses on analyzing the credibility of both daily national and private newspapers in the light of the events which occurred post Jan 25th revolution, the contrast in the credibility of each of them and the reasons behind these differences, and finally identifying the impact of these difference in credibility on audience attitudes toward these newspapers.
This study depends on the constructive model for credibility levels using a questionnaire on a sample of actual and potential readers for daily and private Egyptian newspapers.
 The results show that 46% of the sample are not active readers for daily newspapers national or private and their reason is that daily newspaper lack credibility.
The other half of the sample who are active readers for daily newspapers, their reasons for reading daily national newspapers are following local issues and that national newspapers deeply tackle international issues. While their reasons for reading daily private newspapers because they tackle issue more freely than governmental newspapers.
