The Impact of Fake News on Social Media in Spreading Political Anxiety among Youth:

Document Type : Original Article


Associated Professor, Education Media Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Cairo University


Social media play multiple roles in different fields; political, social, and economic, but at the same time it is considered one of the biggest threats to countries national securities, as some uses social media to spread rumors and fake news.
So, this study seeks to examine the impact of fake news on social media on youth especially as they are heavy users to different social media platforms, and they are more likely to be affected by this misleading news which eventually will make them feel anxious and tension from the political scene. Also, this study aims to measure and monitor the impact of youth exposure to this news on their general anxiety levels and particularly political anxiety from government performance, or recent political events in the Egyptian society.
The main results show that Egyptian youth are heavy users of different social media platforms, but What’s App and Facebook come on top of the most used platforms, but others indicated that T.V. channels and news website are more credible source of information regarding news. Furthermore, youth focus on the news posted on social media which is related to their life and their interest as warnings or price raise.
