The Relation between Instagram Uses and Cultural Dimensions in the Egyptian Society:

Document Type : Original Article


Associated Professor, Public Relations and Advertising Department, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


This research is considered an applied study to investigate the individual cultural dimensions, power distance, individualism vs. collectivism, masculinity vs femininity, uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation vs. short term orientation and finally indulgence vs. restraint.
This study seeks to analyze the relation between Instagram uses and Egyptian youth cultural dimensions, to identify why youth uses Instagram and finally, to discover the impact of Instagram uses on Egyptian youth cultural identity.
The main results show that the most influential cultural dimensions that affect Egyptian uses of Instagram are uncertainty avoidance dimension, long term vs short term orientation dimension, and indulgence vs. restraint dimension. The power distance dimension is the only cultural dimension that does not affect the number of the persons youth follow on Instagram.
Finally, the results revealed that Egyptian youth uses of Instagram influence their cultural features and characteristics in relation to the power distance dimension, masculinity vs. femininity and long term vs. short term orientation dimension.
