Jerusalem Issue in the Press Discourse Post Trump Deceleration 2017:

Document Type : Original Article


Associated Professor, Educational Media Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Mansoura University


The recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is considered a provocative step to Arab and Muslim countries, the recognition was rejected from different countries while it was welcomed in the United States as it was an implementation to an electoral promise.
So, this study aims to analyze the opinion pieces and articles posted in Al-Ahram, Washington Post and Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper website, which cover Trump Declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
The main results show that 14% of the analyzed articles used the diagnosis of the current situation strategy while covering the topic, as for the writers’ general attitude towards the issue the results revealed that there is general attitude of full support to the cause and the negativity of the American decision.
 Furthermore, both Al-Ahram and Yedioth Ahronoth are combining between multiple arguments in the text; the reasons behind Trump recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and the consequences, while Washington post focused only on the Arab and International reaction in terms of the rejection of the middle eastern Muslim and Christian to Trump Decision. 
