Egyptian Citizen Emotional and Behavioral Response to Terrorist Attacks and its Relation to Traditional and New Media Dependency:

Document Type : Original Article


Associated Professor, Radio & T.V. Department, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


Media plays a significant role in framing and presenting terror attacks, as people depends on mass media or social media to get information and details about the attack, parallel to that people respond emotionally and behaviorally in different way.
This study seeks to detect the emotional response in terms of fear, risk perception, and the framing of the attack, and to identify the behavioral response in terms of volunteering, posting via social media, or turning to another content to escape. This study is applied on the case of the terrorist attack on the national cancer institute to find the relation between the different responses of the people and their media dependency behavior.
This study uses a questionnaire to collect data from a random sample after one week of the incident.
The main results show that who depends on traditional media (T.V) their motivation are related to social understanding, while who depends on social media their motivation are isolation, escape and social interaction.
 Furthermore, connecting with the incident was the most emotional response taken then comes fear, on the other hand, searching for official information come on the top of the behavioral responses, followed by volunteering, or donating.
