Newspapers Framing of State Social Protection Policies within the Egyptian Sustainable Development Strategy 2030.

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Mass Communication, Modern Science and Arts (MSA)


The Egyptian government adopted multiple programs for social protection targeting the poor social class to reduce the negative effect of the economic reform programs.
This study aims to analyze and explain the characteristics of the Egyptian newspapers discourse that tackle the social protection policies adopted by the Egyptian government from the perspective of the Egyptian sustainable development strategy 2030.
This study depends on discourse analysis using qualitative analysis to a sample of articles published in Al Ahram, El wafd, and El Shorouk to represent the different newspapers ownership in the Egyptian context. The analysis period of time started from July 1st, 2017 until June 30th , 2018.
 The main results revealed that the Egyptian newspapers used different argument when tackling the social protection policies, and the main used argument was “Providing and supporting basic goods and services.
The opinion articles authors used different frame of references including the supporting frame, the economic, political, social, legal and humanitarian frame.
