The Relationship between the Coherence and Fidelity in the Narrative Structure on the Indian Dubbed Series and Egyptian Woman Level of Engagement

Document Type : Original Article


Professor, Educational Media Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Mansoura University


The Indian dupped series are considered a phenomenon in the Egyptian society, with multiple aspects; social, cultural, and artistic aspect, also Egyptian women are very interested in watching these series. This study seeks to determine how Egyptian women evaluate the rational narrative in terms of coherence and fidelity in the narrative structure of the dubbed Indian series, and to what extent the Egyptian women are engaged in these series.
This study depends on the narrative paradigm, using a survey on a purposive sample (400).
The results show that 87% of the Egyptian women are regular watcher to the dupped Indian series, 41% watch one series on daily bases while 32% watch two series, they prefer to watch these series on MBC Bollywood, and more than half the sample prefer to watch these series with the family.
The results revealed that the Egyptian women are affected by the embedded values in the Indian series which reflect a positive attitude towards the Indian series.
