Egyptian Youth Dependency on Governmental Institutes Formal Speakers Facebook Pages:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Journalism Department, Cairo University


This study explores the official pages of governmental ministries on Facebook. A sample of 32 pages have been analysed and came up with some observations such as, each governmental institution has an official updated page that publishes the news and activities of the organization. The pages differ in declaring information about the page goals and objectives and whether it is an official website or an electronic interface to communicate with the publics. Each page has different policy in specifying the role of the official speakers located in the page description. Many of the official speakers have their own pages as well. The study focused on four governmental Facebook pages, the formal speakers of presidency, military leadership, health and population ministry, and presidency of ministries council. The paper diagnoses the relationship between dependency level on these pages and ability to influence youth intellectual and behavioural variables.
