The Impact of Influential Marketing via Instagram on Audiences Attitudes towards Influencers:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University


This study seeks to identify how brands use influential marketing especially female influencers on the Instagram to promote brands related to fashion and beauty.
This study depends on influential marketing and social learning theory in addition to social capital theory, using content analysis to four female influencers accounts on Instagram to identify the brands they are working with, their promotion methods, and analyze followers’ comments.
The results show that the brands benefit from the popularity and credibility of the female influencers and the influencers use different methods for promotional, but paid influential marketing is the most used method.
The results revealed that influencers work with different brands, at first fashion brands, then they promoted the places they visit before inside egypt or in foreign countries, and finally accessories.
Furthermore, all influencers post detailed information about the brands they work with and encourage their followers to use these brands, without mentioning any negative aspects related to the brands they promote
