Egyptian Public Opinion Polls Attitudes in Political Transition Periods:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Mass Communication Department, Faculty of Arts, Minia University


Academic research focus on the role of public opinion poll centers and units especially in democratic transition societies.
In recent years, public opinion polls have become increasingly important especially in period of elections, as it offers voters with wide range of information and data about the candidate.
This study seeks to analyze the numerical, thematic, and methodological aspect of Egyptian public opinion polls conducted in the Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research “Baseera” during the period starting from April 2012 till December 2018, applying secondary qualitative analysis.
The results show that the Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research conducted around 122 polls, 85 poll covered political issues related to measuring approval with the president and the government performance, election, referendum, state, and foreign affairs.
The Egyptian Center depended mainly on interview via the telephone to collect the data and in rare occasion depends on face-to-face interview, and they used samples less than 2000 representing adult Egyptian and covering all Egyptian governates
