Motives and Gratification for Illiterate Elderly People in the Egyptian rural areas to Listen to Qur’an Kareem Broadcast:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Mass Communication Department, Faculty of Arts, Zagazeg Univeristy


The religious media is an important factor in the structure of the Islamic community due to the growing demand to understand of the teaching and the principles of religion.
Elder people constitute like 9% of the Egyptian community and they listen to Qur’an Kareem radio station to satisfy their religious needs.
The study aims to understand the motives of illiterate elderly people who lives in the Egyptian countryside to listen to Qur’an Kareem radio station, and analyze the motivation achieved. It depends on uses, gratification and effects approach on an available sample using Questionnaire via personnel interview.
The Results revealed the sample listen on regular bases to Qur’an Kareem, they consider this radio station as a main religious reference that have high credibility. Furthermore, they listen to Qur’an Kareem to increase their information and religious knowledge, spend their free time, get rid of their loneliness, and it help them in altering their behaviors.
