The Impact of following Israeli Facebook pages on Egyptian Youth Image about Israeli Community

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Mass Communication Department, Faculty of Girls for Art, Ain Shams University


The study aims to analyze how following the Israeli Facebook pages impact the Egyptian Youth Image about the Israeli community, depending on the knowledge gap theory to discuss how youth interest in Arabic language Israeli Facebook pages oriented to youth influence their knowledge about the Israeli Community. This study uses a questionnaire to collect data from a sample of 200 Egyptian youth age from 18 to 30 years. The main results show that 42% are interested in following the Israeli pages for different reasons to understand how Israeli thinks, or to acquire information about the current economic, social, and political situation. On the top of the following pages is the page of Avichay Adraee. Furthermore, the results revealed that most of the sample does not perceive Israeli as a peaceful country. Finally, the sample refuse the idea of traveling to Israel for business or tourism, in addition to any Economic cooperation between Egypt or Israel.
