Problems of the Egyptian family and the internet misuse from the perspective of the parents

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor and the head of media department at the Faculty of Arts - Tanta University


The information revolution has become the basic characteristic of the world in which we live. Information wars have replaced the economic and military wars, employing the Internet as its primary technique. The Internet produces dangers on the level of individuals, family, and society due to the absence of censorship in contrast to the mass media. Unlike the shared experience of mass media, the Internet use is an individual-based experience which allows users audiovisual access to prohibited areas without any fear of getting caught. This study aims at analysing the family problems caused by internet misuse and suggesting potential ways to counter these problems. This research is a quantitative study that uses the survey method. The researcher distributed a face-to-face questionnaire to a sample of 200 parents in Al-Gharbeya between February-March 2014. The researcher found that the most problematic aspects of the internet included websites for low-quality films and violent games. Respondents indicated that such aspects negatively influence their relationship with their children and in many cases cause social isolation.    
