Talk shows and the degree of adherence to professional criteria:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Media Production – Faculty of Media and Mass Communication – El Shorouk Academy


Egypt has witnessed lots of political and security challenges following the 30th of June 2013, to which national, regional and international reactions varied. TV news channels covered these events extensively offering different perspectives and angles, which raised numerous questions about their degree of professionalism. This study aims at examining the degree to which Arabic and International TV news channels adhere to criteria of professional journalism while covering political and security issues in Egypt post 2013. It attempts to identify the similarities and differences between their media coverage, through a content analysis of Al-Jazeera and Al-Hurra between July the first and December the 31st. The study showed that Al-Jazeera focused on debates instead of interpretation. It insisted on selecting guests who completely oppose each other to increase the chances for quarrels instead of constructive arguments and insightful discussions. Al-Hurra, on the other hand, aimed at analysis and interpretation rather than guest quarrels. The study also showed that both channels used emotional and rational appeals interchangeably to influence their viewers.
