The coverage of Arabian political crisis in Egyptian news websites

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor of journalism - Faculty of Mass Communication - Nahda University


The USA has invoked many political crises in the Arab region. According to political science research skills, the American dream has always been about dividing the Arab region to control oil and achieve the best interests of Israel, which even become apparent with the 2011 events. Egyptian news websites have extensively covered the crises across the Arab region in Syria, Yemen, Tunisia, Libya. This study attempts to analyse the coverage of Egyptian news websites to the Arab political crisis between May and July 2014, identifying actors and causes frames and solution frames in their crisis coverage. The research used content analysis as a research method to analyse the content of Al-Ahram, El-Youm EL Sabea and Al Wafd. The study showed that the sampled websites focused on several crises that could be ordered from the most to the least covered as follows: violence in Egypt, Yemen war, Syrian conflict, ISIS, Lybian crisis and lastly came the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.     
