New trends in studies on the role of television in the field of children's rights

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor – Radio & TV department – faculty of mass communication- cairo university.


The study aims at analyzing the similarities and differences between the Arabic and foreign studies that focused on television media and its relationship with children’s rights and to know the changes and developments that happened in each period. The study employed secondary data analysis method in to analyze the researches that have been published from 2000 till 2015. The main results concluded by this study are that although there were high number of Arabic studies related with Arabic child’s rights, it did not contribute in accomplishing a real development in activating role of media concerning these rights.  And there was a clear contrast between the agenda of childhood’s issues that Arabic mass media discuss it and the agenda of the Arabic child issues himself. Beside that some of the Arab studies presented number of suggestions for developing the role of mass media in the field of Arab child’s rights.
