The role of social media sites in building the communicator’s agenda of news and national issues in the Egyptian newspapers”

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor – faculty of arts- Menoufia university


This paper aims to identify the size of the role that social networking sites play by directing the contact person to some local news and issues, and then influencing the final agenda of newspapers and knowing which sites affect the building of newspapers' agendas the most. The paper harnesses the theoretical background of Agenda building and gate keeping theory.  The study employs descriptive method to diagnose relationships between variables in which it depended on survey and interviews. The main results concluded by this study are that the social media sites became an important source for the national news and issues, and most of the communicators are interested in national news and issues by 98% and 97% of them believe that discussing issues on social media networks give it priority to be published. And communicators also believe that there is more space for freedom in presenting topics on social media sites  and the speed in transmitting news 
