Decreased tolerance and the prevalence of violence in the films of 2014

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor – Radio & TV department- faculty of Islamic and Arabic studies– Azhar university


The study aims to discover the rate of prevalence of violence and decreased tolerance in the action cinema movies which has both high revenue and view with focusing on knowing the demographic characteristic of the violent factor and its relation with tolerance or not in the action dramatic situations. The study employs descriptive methods to diagnose relationships between variables, in which it depended on Survey by sampling to the Arabic movies due to the difficulty of conducting the comprehensive survey. The main results concluded by the study are: film “Al Jazeera had the highest ranking concerning appearance of violent variables, then “lamoa’akhza” then “wahed saeidi”. Also it found that violence is accompanied by intolerance more in comedy fromats than melodrama formats. The media picture of violence was evident and increased in intensity by comparing the results of the current study With previous studies. Then study proved the validity The main hypothesis has been proved to be right in which it stated a decline in tolerance and prevalence of violence in films in the top 10 revenue Arabic movies in cinema 
