The Image of the Islamic World in the Russian Caricature:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor - faculty of mass communication – Cairo university


The study is aims at analyzing the Recurrent and prevailing thoughts about world Islamic affairs in caricature speech and examining the relationship between usage of specific recurrent ideas and the nature of the cartoonist. This study employs descriptive methods to diagnose relationships between variables, in which it depended on survey and case study methods in analyzing data. The main results concluded by this study arethat as a result of the small number of amateur cartoonists on websites, metaphors were revolving around two main ideas which are: The danger of Muslims to Western civilization and facing the terrorist threat encompassing Islam. Other ideas appeared like: the spread of Islam as a religion in Europe and the cultural backwardness of Muslims and their difference from the civilized Russian Orthodoxy ,at a time when the complexities of the ideas of the official political discourse propagated by the media do not appear
