Designing satirical cartoons via social media And its effect on the relationship of women with men

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor –Mass communication department- faculty of Arts – Menia university


The study is aims at analyzing the designing satirical cartoons via social media and its effect on the relationship of women with men. The paper harnesses the theoretical background of social presence model, interactivity model and mood management theory. This study employs descriptive methods to diagnose relationships between variables, in which it depended on survey and interviewing tools in collecting data. The main results concluded by this study are: 92% of the respondents took care to follow the satirical cartoons via Facebook, 97% of the respondents were attracted to comics discussing the man and woman relationship via Facebook, most of the respondents believed that there is negative effects for following up sarcastic cartoons on Facebook and moderators of Facebook pages confirmed that they use sarcastic cartoons because it is the easiest way for reaching and affecting audience. And concerning ways of interacting with this kind of cartoons it varied between liking, commenting and reading comments.
