University youth exposure to info graphics and their relationship to their cognitive and visual responses

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor –Journalism department – Beni sewif university


The study is concerned with discovering the extent of contribution of the usage of Groupware in improving the performance inside the Egyptian newspapers and working on achieving number of advantages from its usage through Teamwox program as one of its application in any institution. The paper harnesses the theoretical background of system analysis theory. And the study employs descriptive methods to diagnose relationships between variables. The main results concluded by this study are: The most important kind of the prevailing organizational communication in the newspapers in Egypt are calling by telephone or through meetings or personal contact and one to one meeting and that the traditional ways are not enough or convenient anymore in light of the recent changes in the environment of information systems and communication technology. And that the Groupware through Teamwox program help in improving the professional performance for the newspapers and it also improves the performance of editor in chief and head of sections in documenting the daily work in newspaper.
