The effectiveness of a program to train students of educational media on awareness by the ethical controls of the new media and their application to them”

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor – media education department-faculty of quality education – Mansoura university

2 Assistant professor - media education department-faculty of quality education – Mansoura university


The study is aims at discovering the ethical control for new media that depend on user’s contributions, interactions and production for content done by new media like: social media networks as Facebook. The study employs the semi experimental studies in which it depended on semi experimental method to diagnose relationships between variables. the main results concluded by this study are that respondents have benefited from the training program in many ways which are 95% of the students in the sample became aware of the ethical controls and how to abide by it on social media networks, 97.4% confirmed that their knowledge background have changed due to their exposure to training programs which fixed their ideas about social media networks, and 84.5% from the students have developed their skills in their usage for Facebook concerning posting multimedia , chatting and comments .
