Frames for presenting Egypt's image in editorials for the New York Times and The Washington Post:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor –Journalism department -faculty of Arts – Helwan university


The study is aims to discover Egypt’s image that was presented in both New York Times and The Washington Post’s editorials and the media frames that appeared in the period that preceded 30th June and the period after its incidents. The paper harnesses the theoretical background of media framing theory. The study employs descriptive method in which it used survey for collecting data. The main results concluded by this study are the negativity of Egypt’s image in both newspaper’s editorials and this was evident in the negative media frames that appeared in the newspapers. And both newspapers considered the incidents of 30th June as a military coup against democracy besides that it held Mohamed Morsi and his company the responsibility of this coup. Concerning the most prominent frames for Egypt’s image were: criticizing , condemn political violence, conflict over power
