The role of the media in shaping youth knowledge and attitudes towards political parties and the identity of the Egyptian state

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor –Mass communication department -faculty of Arts– Helwan university


The study is aims to analyze the role of media in shaping youth’s attitudes towards the political parties and towards the Egyptian state’s identity. The paper harnesses the theoretical background of the theory of dependence on mass media The study employs the descriptive methods to diagnose relationships between variables in which it depended on survey. The main results concluded by this study are: respondents depend on multiple information sources in following the Egyptian political affairs, and the social media networks are on the top of these sources, then appeared the Satellite TV channels, then family and friends. Also, results showed that private newspapers are on the top of news websites that respondents depend on in following political affairs, in which the most appeared were Al-Youm7 and Al-Masry ElYoum between these websites. While the party newspapers showed inability in attracting readers.
