The impact of visual and verbal elements in food packaging on the purchasing decision among consumers

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor of mass communication – Faculty of Arts – Helwan University


Packaging has become an integral method of marketing communication and branding. It has become an integral part of selling process in retailers. Instead of being a container to preserving the product, packaging is now replacing sales agents through attracting consumers’ attention, delivering good impressions and communicating information about it. This study attempts to analyse the impact of packaging on purchasing behaviours. It examines the degree to which time pressure might influence consumers while purchasing products. This study utilized the survey method to collect information from 200 respondents living in United Arab Emirates using questionnaires. The study showed that the graphic design of food packaging has a significant influence on the purchasing behaviour. Verbal content in packaging related to product qualities and instructions of use greatly influenced consumers. Therefore, the researcher suggests the need to let verbal and visual components of food packaging complement each other. She recommends that marketers need to analyse their target audience and identify what their potential consumers expect to see on food packaging.            
