The impact of rumours on PR communication programs:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor of Public Relations – Faculty of media and communication - Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University


Many media scholars believe that mass media play a significant role in spreading rumours that differ in their level of importance depending on people and institutions involved. Rumours often spread faster when information is scarce and when censorship is forced. This study attempts to examine the reasons for starting rumours at workplace (government institutions), their types and sources. It analyses the role of PR professionals in combating these rumours to reduce their harmful impact on the image and reputation of governmental institutions. The study examines the strategies and communication policies put forward to counter rumours and analyses it strengths and weaknesses. The researcher used questionnaires to collect information from 64 PR personnel working at different governmental institutions in Riyadh. The studied showed that the rumours in governmental institutions revolves around administrational conflicts, corruption and negative reports from monitoring agencies. It showed that institutional vision is not clear enough for civil servants who are not sure about their roles at the governmental institutions. Indeed, there seemed to be an absence of institutional general strategy.  
