The attitudes of Egyptian youth towards Egypt-Israel peace treaty following the 25th of January revolution

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor –Mass Communication Department – Faculty of Arts – Tanta University


The Egyptian youth have not witnessed the moment of signing the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel in 1979. They perceived the treaty as an existing fact that does not merit review or critical evaluation. However, the 25th of January revolution dramatically changed youth perceptions, raising questions about whether media coverage can influence the public opinion towards Egyptian official reactions to Israel. This study uses cognitive priming theory to measure youth’s evaluations of the Egyptian official reactions to Israel, and whether these evaluations will influence attitudes towards the peace treaty. This study is quantitative study that uses the survey method to collect information from a stratified random sample of 400 respondents aged between 19 and 34.  The study showed that the level of knowledge about the peace treaty is extremely low among the sample though a detailed account of the treaty and its articles is available on the internet. The study showed a significant positive relationship between attitudes towards the Egyptian official reactions to Israel and attitudes towards the significance of the peace treaty.
